Beyaz Saray'da Purim
3 days ago
Transgression of Positive and Negative Commandments (The Laws of Teshuvah)
Shortcuts in the Torah ⁉️ Truth about finding your Soulmate #shorts
When No One Is Looking
Does non kosher food affect non Jew? (The Kosher Kitchen)
질투의 위험 - 파라샤트 바예셰브
כמה כוכבים יש ??? ואיך זה מוכיח את התורה?
Rabbi Efraim Kachlon discusses Parashat Vayigash פרשת ויגש מהרב אפרים כחלון
1️⃣ Should a Mohel agree 😬 Brit Milah - holy covenant #shorts #torah
👿🤭❌ אזהרה על מצעד הגאוה
If someone's free choice was removed do they receive punishment?