So Rav Ashi and Rashi are two different people?
What Jewish books are Jews obligated to know and what order should you read them?
Whats your opinion about the rav in israel that are saying is the messiah?
Wow Rabbi well done with the new update on the app I will be using it a lot more often now. Mazal tov!
Shalom Kvod Harav, Writting from Belgium: I ve been listening to your shiurim for a while and I want to thank you. I finally realised christianity is avodah zarah and sheer stupidity. First question: please tell me what I should do as a tikkun for all these years of idolatry. Also I want to imagine that I might have a jewish soul: my great grand parents came from Poland after WW1 and by all accounts they were notsrim, but I feel they might have converted to that non sense in previous generations... Second question: how can I know for sure if I might have a jewish soul? Todah rabah rav
If someone already watched the HaShem took back my millions movie and wants to watch more videos, what should I recommend to them?
Sometimes at the end of a day after studying for multiple hours it feels like I haven’t accomplished anything and I get stressed and discouraged over it. How can one take a break without wasting time?
Shalom Rav. 1) The Shulchan Aruch in Even HaEzer 21:7 says that hugging one's sister is frowned upon and a "דבר איסור". My Rabbi told me this just means it is something which is very frowned upon, but it is not actually assur. How could this be? Is it assur for me to hug my older sisters? 2) If so, what do I do about all the times I did hug them even knowing this halacha, but I relied on this Rabbi who told me it's muttar? Thank you.
Cvod Harav, How does one avoid making chilul Hashems Chas Veshalom when living with a non religous family. (Parent and siblings? Thank you Harav!
I am no longer have the woman monthly cycle and I feel awful all the time. I want to go to the mikveh but I’m not sure I can. Is it proper for a woman passed the age of child bearing to visit a Mikva?
There are Jewish families who have chosen to adopt children for various reasons. Some did not think or know to formally convert their children, and now have grandchildren (Some of course through a female child, some through a male child (who had a brit milah ceremony, bar mitzvah). Question is, I have heard that these grandchildren are not the spirtual children of the Jews in these families. What exactly does this mean? Is there any salvation from converting later at all? What can or should be done? Is it just too late and too late for what,? & whom?
Do non Jewish women need to dress modestly is it a sin if they don’t ?
Shalom Rabbi Reuven. i am a 23 year old male who potentially found a partner but she is dating someone (not married) so my question basically is how should i approach this?
Hi, I'm watching your Stump the Rabbi Shiur, and somebody asked you a question about Miryam and Korach. The Torah is huge and complicated. And, you were able to remember the answer. That is insane memory power. I'm in shock and I don't have a great memory. I read Gemara, and I read A, B, C, and by the time I read C I forget A. So it's hard for me. I'm 22 years old and I want to work on this. What do I do? How do I build my memory? How do I expand remember the Torah I'm learning at such a level. I'm willing to work really hard, Bli Neder. Thank you, and I have an android smartphone, so I can't hear voice messages. Only written answers I can see.
Eruv Tov Rabbi, I’m currently in the gerius process through the Beit Din in South Miami. I was wanting to know am I able share these videos in my social media or should I wait until I finish the process?
Chol Hamoed/Intermediate Festival days: We work at a grocery store and customer service - from home. Can we work on these days? Toda Raba!
Just listened to your shiur on returning stolen money and had a question... I used to work somewhere, we’re I would get paid through the government. Now long story short I needed cash and sometimes would wrote out that I worked for more hours than did in actuality ... Any way I can repay the government? How do I go about this
I would like to start a ‘modest fashion’ social media on Instagram, and have seen many other accounts with the same idea. I wanted to know beforehand if the said account is private and filtered only to females, is there any halachic issue in doing so?
When someone is in the process of conversion and saying blessings to practice, should he say the actual name of Hashem or “Baruch atah Hashem, Elokeinu...” During the Amidah or other prayers, also as practice, is one allowed/recommended to say “G-d of our/my fathers” or is it disrespectful since my parents are idolaters?
G-d gives “rain” to his people so that they can fulfill the mitzvot, does he give the same kind of sustenance for noahides so that they can do his will?