Does the punishment of karet apply to Noahide too? Todah Rabah rav
Are Noahide's able to do Kadish for relative?
Kvod HaRav i want to know if it is possible for one to remember his past gilgullim(incarnations) and every details about it and also have there ever been any story of such or any of the gdolim that experienced such
My anger is out of control how do I stop I have no control and end up feel like a monster please help me stop this
How are the tikkunim required of new souls determined? Todah Rabah.
Hi rabbi I heard your lecture about Teshuva. You said about doing Teshuva out of love and fear and what they turn into. Doing Teshuva out of love turns into mitzvot and out of fear turns into accidents. What happens if you don’t know why you did Teshuva and you just did it knowing this is the right thing to do.
Is “Baruch HaShem” supposed to be recited at the end of the shema during Maariv?
Hi Rav Yaron Reuven, When I was 17 years old I estimate, I was a "president" of a very popular Kiruv organization that you called out recently (for sending Jewish teenagers to rebuild house of pastor) in my city. One Shabbat, we were on a Shabbaton. There was a secular girl who took interest in my friend. She didn't speak English though, only Hebrew. I spoke Hebrew. So I was the translator between them. She asked me, does he like me? How do I speak to him? I said, of course he does, and I gave her all types of advice. I also gave him all types of advice. I'd spend entire bus rides taking to him about girls, and about her. I went to him that Shabbaton and said, hey she likes you, you should speak to her! I wasn't the only one at work at helping this, but I was definitely part of it. There was another girl that may have done more than me, but I believe I was part of it. 5 years later, they are still dating. I am so scared. I am terrified I was Machtiah haRabbim. Terrified. If I caused the relationship between them... oh my GD. Is my Teshuva almost impossible? What do I do...? I feel terrible.
Shalom Rabbi! As a noahide Is it alright to sleep whilst listening to a lecture, as to put it on knowing you will fall asleep to help you sleep and wither away the urge to sin or immodest thoughts coming to you at night? Thank you for your time Rav
Hi Rabbi thank you for your kiruv. What is the proper way to destroy magickal sigils that contain the names the names of Hashem in hebrew, arcangels and angels? This is part of my teshuva to become a noahide. Myself,my wife and children already abandon Christianity.
Is it considered Lashon Hara to rebuke someone on social media who you don’t know for posting immodest pictures?
Would you recommend that I move to Eretz Yisrael or Florida with the new Yeshiva the Rav is building?
Shalom rabbi my family is Jewish and I’m only 15 nearly turning 16 but my parents refused to circumcise. I’m a practicing Jew and I go to my local synagogue with both of my parents but do you think it’s to late to circumcise?
Hello Rav, I was wondering is it okay to put a lecture on at night if having trouble sleeping. Trouble sleeping is often but I never know if I should, considering I know I will fall asleep and may be seen as disrespectful in the eyes of G-d even for a noahide ger. Thank you Rav.
Shalom Kavod Harav, Thank you for this app, especially the part of questions and answers... I am learning a lot BH! I have a question regarding Emunah and Hishtadlut. Lets say a person has 100% Emunah in Hashem, then why does he need to take loans? Is it because he is lacking in Emunah? Thank you Kavod Harav.
Cvod Harav quick question, At the time of moschiah, will everyone [meaning the righteous] be healed like when Moshe gave us the Torah at Mt. Sinai?
Good day I need to know if it's forbidden for noachides to waste seed to end this question I've been having. Also, if it is a sin for noachides, how can noachides do teshuvah for it and what is the punishment for a noachide who say keeps all of the laws but is struggling with wasting seed?
In many of the Ravs shiurim he spoke about how in order to do teshuva you need to either fast 84 times per wasted seed or give 420 per time to Kiruv for that specific sin. My question is, is teshuva not valid until one does the fasts or money donations ? What if one started “Lo alaynu “ spill seed at the age of 12 and now he is way above being an adult and doesn’t know how many times he has done it and can’t remember when he did it. Can I just one day do teshuva for every time I spilled seed even if I don’t remember each and every time and how many times I did it? Also, with the monetary one, is there any way we pay a certain amount for all the ones we did since we were born? How would we know how much to pay if we don’t know how many times we’ve done it? Also what’s the point of the fasts and money if teshuva would work? Also, if one did complete teshuva but didn’t fast all the fasts and monetary donations will he still be punished in the next world and this world ? Doesn’t teshuva wipe away everything?
I am a person who wants to convert soon. My question is about the halacha for Shabbat and the Yom Tov. What happens if you are physically sick and unable to participate in the moadim? I became sick on erev Shabbat and was unable to eat of the meals I had prepared for it or Pesach. Is this a sin?
What’s the purpose of the other planets in our universe?