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  • How would females stop getting dreams tanks

    3 years ago

  • Are there any kiruv opportunities in Baltimore/Maryland? (bli neder)

    4 years ago

  • How do I get a copy of the Family Purity book?

    3 years ago

  • Good Day and Shalom Alaikum! When the Moshiach of the world comes and is identified. How will the assemblies of nah sayers and conspiracy theorist be persuaded to go along with what ever prescription the King makes for human civilization. Based on what i've seen lately. People are violent, relentless and fearful. Most of the Christian population share the ideology that the Jewish people await an antichrist. I think Ive said enough to give you an idea of what my question is. Which is. What Army does Moshiach have. Will he need one. If so, why? I personally believe that the Jewish people as a whole, have been hiding behind the scenes allowing creation to spoil without ever interceding. I see greed, segregation and self preservation. Why haven't the Jews been a helping hand to the world? and not just a Light!?

    4 years ago

  • Can a Noahide repent and how to do so and how different is the teshuva from a Jew doing teshuva?

    4 years ago

  • Shalom Shalom! A few questions: 1: What are some of the hebrew phrases you use in your shiurim and what do they mean? What does the phrase mean when you open the app/start a shiur? 2: Are my pets muktzeh on Shabbat? Am I allowed to pick up my animals? 3: Is it still considered Torah learning when we read Torah silently?

    4 years ago

  • I forgot in which shiur you said that a person shouldn’t have an alarm because it goes against the person’s natural body cycle?, but you also emphasize that a person should have structure in their life.. so should a person have an Alarm? Thank you

    4 years ago

  • Can a convert gain back his merit if he lost it?

    4 years ago

  • Dear Rabbi. I don’t know if you will reach this question. I know that in one of your lectures that you don’t really believe in people who have Bipolar Mental Health Disease. Well I have both Bi-Polar 2 and ADHD. This past Thursday I forgot take my Medicine. I had a mental break down at work. I was sent to the hospital. I am really tired of this mental battle. Just wanted say thank you if not in this life. Your wisdom keeps me here one more day.

    4 years ago

  • Is your mikveh considered invalid if you have dreadlocks? (Even if they are well kept and clean? )

    4 years ago

  • Rabbi, am I allowed to be driven to Beit Knesset if I am the passenger and someone is driving me there because it is too far to walk to?

    3 years ago

  • Topic: Olam Haba Shalom Aleichem Kavod HaRav! In a few of your shiurium in the past year, you mentioned when a person passes away, that person in Olam Haba has to give a shiur Torah for roughly 6 months straight. I'm assuming this applies to women as well? What was the source for this again, not sure if the source was from the Vilna Gaon a"h or Talmud. And if it was from the Vilna Gaon what was his source? Thank you!

    4 years ago

  • Is it permissible to lend money on interest to goyim?

    4 years ago

  • Is it ok for a Jew to get into the dog grooming business?

    4 years ago

  • Hello, Rabbi I wanted to ask for your advice, I am looking for a job, BH I have no need for money, my family pays for all my expenses, but I don’t have my own money so I can’t donate to kiruv organizations or invest it on CD’s to give out, etc. That’s why I wanted to get a job. So I have 2 questions: a) I’m in the process of conversion, so I started to keep Shabbat just not fully. Would it be better for me take a job where I would need to work on Shabbat and use most of that money for kiruv or to continue “keeping” Shabbat as I was? b) Would it be ok for me to work at a drug store, even though I would have to sell certain forms of birth control that are used to waste seed? Thank you, Rav.

    4 years ago

  • Shalom Rabbi - When is a divorced woman who was previously in a secular marriage who is studying for conversion required to wear a headscarf? In public? When studying and praying? Thank you Rabbi.

    4 years ago

  • Cvod Harav, I think that YouTube doesn’t allow you to download YouTube videos to your computer. If I get permission from a Rabbi to download his shiurim off his YouTube page, would I be allowed to do so? If so, why would it be allowed? Thanks a lot & all the best Cvod Harav!

    4 years ago

  • Hi rabbi I am trying to become more religious. I keep shabbat and dress modestly. I really want to learn more torah but don't know where to start. What prayers a woman should be saying daily and what should I be reading to learn a lot more. Thankyou

    4 years ago

  • Good afternoon Rabbi Reuven, Where do you hold your local shiurim? Do you allow an audience? Can anyone come? I don’t use social media, so this is the only way, other than your YouTube channel, that I can message you. Thanks in advance.

    4 years ago

  • Shalom rabbi my name is Yaakov and I like to ask you about my dream it feels so good I saw king David Tomb in dream what dose that mean I don't understand please explain to me thank you

    4 years ago

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