?למה מסוכן למשוך תשומת לב
4 years ago
הרב אפרים כחלון
1️⃣ Награда в этом Мире 🥇 Тора, награда и наказание #shorts #тора
HaShem Only Wants To Give Us Good But...
Shiur Torah #42 NEW Scientific Proofs of God, Failed Logic and the Ponzi Scheme Of Life
Two Types of People during The Era of MaShiach
Preparation Of The Soil Before Shemita
TeShuva Music (4) THE ONLY WAY TO DO COMPLETE TESHUVA before Moshiach (Preparing for Rosh Hashanah)
Giving Nachat To HaShem: Torat HaChassidut (5)
س: هل يمكن لليهود دراسة التوراة؟
The Three Steps To Receive A Good Eternity
אשר בחר בנו וברכת כהנים- Asher Bachar Banu and Birkat Cohanim