If You Look For Me, You’ll Find Me. (12 minutes)
9 years ago
Rabbi Yaron Reuven
Do Not Take Off Tefillin or Recline In the Presence of Rabbi (The Laws of Torah Study)
Keep Your Distance (Sefer Shmiras Haloshon)
Liquid Poured from a Hot Utensil & Utensils Inserted Into Hot Food - The Kosher Kitchen (31)
Salvando comunidades judaicas com um espelho
Кицур Шульхан Арух 32/2 - «Тора предписывает нам следить за своим здоровьем»
Entweihung von Gottes Namen
Food Splattering Onto A Pot Of The Opposite Type - The Kosher Kitchen (32)
Это синагога или бар ⁉️ Не кошерные общины и фарбренген #shorts #тора
Protégez vos yeux et votre âme.
Enjoying the Fragrance of NonKosher Foods (The Kosher Kitchen)