חבל על הזמן שלא עושים חשבון נפש (אבות ג, י) הרב אפרים כחלון
9 years ago
הרב אפרים כחלון
Может ли женщина целовать Тору?
Daily Chidush: How to Pick The Right Rabbi in a world full of Fake People?
איך אני יכול להחזיר בתשובה???
What to do if the Yetzer Hara comes to attack?
As Melachót de Shabat: Zoreah (Plantar / Semear)
The Trial has arrived - Are YOU ready?
The Form of Soul (The Laws of Teshuvah)
Laws of Toveling Utensils - Halachos for Women (49)
Rabbi Yaron Reuven is coming to the Lighthouse Project Tonight. Don't miss it!!!
Wanneer Chanukah-kaarsen aansteken?