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Hello Rabbi Yaron Reuven, After watching most of your Tikkun Habrit Shiurim and watching a part of the Gehinom shiur, I became extremely upset as I constantly think about all the torture I will receive. I have been trying to overcome the sin of zera levatala, but even after hearing all the punishment and rewards I will receive, I become depressed, fail at the mitzvah, and think to myself that I will suffer in Gehinom forever because I’ll never do Teshuva. Rabbi Yaron Reven, I want to do teshuvah and stop this sin, but I just find myself constantly becoming upset and losing all my willpower. I want to believe in Hashem, but so many questions just come up on my mind about his legitimacy that I begin to think that Judaism is not real. Dear Rabbi, lease do not think that I am a min or epicurus. I just want to serve Hashem, but find myself going lower every time I. Try. Thank you so much, and I really appreciate it.