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2 years ago
Rabbi Yaron Reuven
大卫的见证 | 捐献十分之一改变了我的生活并给了我们一个新的生活享受
She Will Either Build Or Destroy You!! - IGGERET HAGRA (15)
Shiur Torah # 16 Parashat Terumah, MaAser, and Modesty Tzniut
Q&A w/ Rabbi Reuven (Pittsburgh Massacre, MaShiach, and Jewish Lending Business)
Parashat Vayishlach - Perang Paling Berbahaya
Why Hard Work Still Fails
GUARD YOUR EYES: The Science Behind Pornography Addiction
פרשת עקב הכח של היחיד
유대인 문제를 무시하는 것이 문제입니다 (큰 논쟁 발생) - 무사르 피르케이 아보트 (5)
Извинения мешают небесам? - Муссар Пиркей Авот