Stop insulting the cow š® Who are not allowed to eat animals? #shorts #torah
2 years ago
Learn with Lerner
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How Did Moses Hear G-d's Voice? #rabbiyaronreuven #jewishinspiration #God #torah #judaism #Jewish
Do I say Shema when wake up in the middle of night? (Thirteen Principles of Faith)
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SIGNATURE OF GOD TRAILER (Coming February 1, 2022 Rosh Chodesh Adar)
××Ø× ×פ×Ø×× ××××× ××”×××Ø ××Ŗ ××”××Ŗ ××××Ŗ ×,פ×Øק × Rabbi Efraim Kachlon Pirkei Avot part 21
Pornografi adalah salah satu racun terbesar di generasi ini.
ש×××Ŗ ××××ק ×××פ×× (16) (פ×Øש×Ŗ ×××Ø×× ×× ×Ŗ×××× ×¦××ק ××Ø××) ××Ø× ××Ø×× ×Ø×××× ToraMates
Should I only eat meat on Shabbat and holidays? (The Kosher Kitchen)