Autenticidade do Talmud
2 weeks ago
We Ruined A Godly Power #rabbiyaronreuven #jewishinspiration #God #torah
Why did it take 6 days to create the world?
No Credibility (Sefer Chofetz Chaim)
Can A Person Go To Gan Eden Without Doing TeShuva?
𝟕𝟕. Стремись к истине | Тора и Мир грядущий | Рабби Лев Лэйб Лернер
סיפורים מדהימים על כח הרצון
The Habitual Speaker of Loshon Hora (Sefer Chofetz Chaim)
Learning Life From A BABY
Daily Chidush: For anyone that's doing HaShem's will but the battle seems too big.
הרב שלמה שרביט - דף היומי - כתובות 2 דף ב עמוד ב - דף ד עמוד א