1️⃣ Рав Булочник не лицемер ‼️Будьте осторожны #shorts #тора
13 months ago
Time is running out to help Am Israel for Pesach Feeding poor http://BHPesach.org
Como amenizar sua punição.
하느님 없는 외로움이 최악의 고통
Shlom Bayit
Torah's Stance on Selling Counterfeit Goods
Dress Up for Praying (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch)
Você é inteligente demais para ser ateu.
One of the most important mitzvot of our generation
הרב שלמה בר כוכבא - דברים חשובים
2️⃣ Women & Synagogue 🕍 Prerequisites for attending the Synagogue #shorts #torah