Yunan Zulmü ve Chanukah
3 months ago
Parachat Beshalach: Splitsen van de zee
Two Opposites Can Combine #Shorts #judaism #Jewish #rabbiyaronreuven #God #Torah #Motivation
Steps You Can Take To GUARD YOUR EYES
Repentance (Sefer Chofetz Chaim)
How To Get Special Protection During Difficulties. (A BeEzrat HaShem Inc. Film)
Почему мудрецы запретили пользоваться светом Хануки?
Shiur Torah #107 To Love Or Fear HaShem @ The LightHouse Project (Florida)
God Is Warning Us #Torah #OrthodoxJudaism #RabbiYaronReuven #Judaism
5. Почему в устной Торе нет последовательности?
What was the purpose of Dinosaurs?