In many of the Ravs shiurim he spoke about how in order to do teshuva you need to either fast 84 times per wasted seed or give 420 per time to Kiruv for that specific sin.
My question is, is teshuva not valid until one does the fasts or money donations ?
What if one started “Lo alaynu “ spill seed at the age of 12 and now he is way above being an adult and doesn’t know how many times he has done it and can’t remember when he did it.
Can I just one day do teshuva for every time I spilled seed even if I don’t remember each and every time and how many times I did it?
Also, with the monetary one, is there any way we pay a certain amount for all the ones we did since we were born? How would we know how much to pay if we don’t know how many times we’ve done it?
Also what’s the point of the fasts and money if teshuva would work?
Also, if one did complete teshuva but didn’t fast all the fasts and monetary donations will he still be punished in the next world and this world ? Doesn’t teshuva wipe away everything?